🏀Congratulations To The Boys Basketball Team On 4th Place At The Nebraska State Basketball Tournament in Class D2🏀
Shout out to the Lady Dawgs!!
🏀🏀District Runner-Up🏀🏀
Osceola Public Schools is hosting a community engagement meeting on Monday, March 21st, at 7:00 PM in the Commons of the North Gym to discuss school improvement and planning. All stakeholders are invited to join the conversation to help guide us through this process.
More photos from the career fair.
Osceola senior and junior classes attended a recent career fair at CCC. In addition to presentations about interviewing for jobs, preparing resumés and dressing for success, hands-on activities were available.
The sophomore pancake feed is coming up this Saturday from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM!
Final Score 63-40. We are very proud of our Osceola Bulldogs Boys Basketball team. Finished 4th place in Class D2. Congratulations to Coach Zelasney and all of the players on a great year.
4th and 5th graders want to wish good luck to the boy’s team tomorrow in the 1st round of state basketball, especially to Kolton Neujahr our math student aide. The students sure are enjoying the extra math time with him and getting to know him! #bulldogfamily
Joe- 5th in Extemp
Hayden- 4th in Serious
Bransen, Hayden, Joe, Matt, Creighton- 5th in OID
Not the results we were looking for but we grew so much this season. ON TO THE NEXT ONE!
We still made a few happy memories today. Where NO ONE is ever truly left behind and you can find art in the most unexpected places.
I love this team.
Thanks for an INCREDIBLE year.
Do you like green eggs and ham? Most of Kindergarten said, “Yes!“ and gobbled up our green eggs. We also got a little messy and made Oobleck after listening to Bartholomew and the Oobleck! Happy Dr. Seuss Week! 🎉
The road to a state 🏀 championship continues with support…this morning after breakfast our elementary students designed basketballs with motivational phrases and drawings to show their bulldog pride!🧡🤍🖤#greatdaytobeabulldog
If you are interested in attending the State Basketball Tournament, you must purchase tickets in advance. Directions for purchasing tickets are in the following link https://nsaahome.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-NSAA-Basketball-Ticket-Policies.pdf
Osceola Schools will be closed, Tue, Mar 8th. The boys basketball team will play at 10:45 am at Lincoln Southeast. We want to allow families, students, and staff the opportunity to attend. We will resume school on Wed, Mar 9th with a regularly scheduled 1:30 pm dismissal.
SENIOR TRIBUTES: The March Newsletter was supposed to have 2 pages of options for Senior Tributes for the 2022 yearbook, but 1 page didn't get included. I have included both pages plus the order form. Any other information or questions, please email me at sejohnson@osceola.esu7.org.
-Mr. Johnson
SPEECH MAGIC tonight @ 7pm in the BAND room.
If you cannot make it, you can watch the performances on STRIV.
Order your Bulldog State Gear now!!
Reminder the Store closes March 2nd by 10AM (no late orders) so make sure to get your orders in ASAP!
This is your last chance to get your Osceola Track and Field gear! Store closes TOMORROW February 28th!
Here is the link: https://track22dawgs.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
PAC hosted “Muffins for Mom” this morning. We had an amazing turnout with delicious muffins. The girl’s basketball team joined us to eat with students whose moms weren’t able to make it. Thanks to everyone who came, the girls basketball team, and the kitchen staff!
Come support the girls basketball team as they have advanced into a district final game! The game is in Palmyra tonight, 6:30, against Fall City Sacred Heart. You can still support by watching this link. Good luck Lady Dawgs!! 🐾🧡 #ohsbulldogs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyFBPiQ2Izob4frtG9wOsjA
Speech Magic will be Tuesday MARCH 1st @ 7pm. This will be held at the high school in either the band room or the gym.